
This week, Faith & Fitness Magazine recapped the launch and rapid evolution of Faith Rx’d in its “Intense Intents” section of its February/March publication entitled “Faith Rx’d – Living for God Beyond the ‘WOD’.”
In the article, Faith Rx’d Executive Director, Becky Conzelman, unveils our revised mission statement, and Engage>Equip>Expand approach to building community that strengthens athletes, coaches and affiliate owners to grow in faith and impact the world through service.

You’ll also find a nugget of motivation for the upcoming CrossFit Games season or whatever your sport. Don’t miss the Rich Froning video that includes an interview with our Local Ministry Director and former Tennessee Tech Strength Coach, Chip Pugh, from 2011, starting at minute 3:43. Chip states with a smile,

I believe if the Lord wills, He’s going to win it…everything we can throw at him, I haven’t found one thing that he can’t do….Rich is the hardest worker I’ve ever known in my life, period, and I’ve been around a lot of athletes and a lot of people that work hard. I’ve never seen someone who craves working hard and craves the pain of training. He wants to do more. I can tell when he’s tired and fatigued, and I’m like, OK, he’s done for the day. And I turn around and he’s doing something else.

Rich went on to win the succeeding four CrossFit Games from 2011 to 2014.



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