
We’ve got your daily encouragement, written by Kelly Bryant.


Bible Reading:

1 Corinthians 13:7

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”


During the 2020 CrossFit Games, the top athletes on the women’s and men’s side set out on a 3 mile trail run. What they didn’t know at the time was that the director of the CrossFit Games was waiting at the finish line to tell them that they were only at the halfway point. Viewers got to see the look on each athlete’s face as they realized they were expected to turn around and run the entire course again backwards.

During the post-event interview, the event winner for the women, Katrin Davidsdottir said, “I’m a great runner, and I love twists like that. If it’s hard for me, then it’s hard for them.” Instead of giving up, she saw the challenge as a second chance to prove herself and move up the leaderboard. When others lost hope, she saw an opportunity to persevere.

Similar to the Games event, we often find ourselves at a crossroads in life. It’s at this point where we have to decide if we will continue to love, continue to show up, and continue to hope despite what we see. OR, will we throw in the towel when it’s hard to keep going, to keep loving others, to keep trusting God?

Jesus gave the ultimate example of a love that endures. While hanging on the cross after being stripped, beaten, and mocked, He cried out to God, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:24) He endured pain, humiliation, and ultimately death without ever losing hope for our redemption.

As I think back through history, there are many great leaders who survived persecution, genocide, and enslavement by grounding themselves in a love for God that never wavered despite their circumstances. If I place my love and trust in anything other than God, I’m setting myself up for failure. It’s like placing my hope in a “finish line” that can be moved at someone else’s whim. I thank God that even though I can’t control my circumstance, I can place my love, my hope, and my trust in His plan for me.


Father, help me to place my love, my hope and trust in You alone instead of striving to reach fake finish lines. I know that focusing on you is that only way I can endure in this world full of uncertainties. Help me to develop a love that endures, even if I don’t see the results immediately. I will trust in Your process and plan for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!



Next time you feel like giving up, ask yourself, “What finish line am I chasing?” Often when we feel hopeless, disappointed, or rejected, it’s because we’ve let our focus and our love drift to something other than God. Refocus on Him and let His love renew your will to endure.


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