
It’s day six of our series on the men and women who were at the first Christmas. We’re taking twelve days to look at the men and women who were at the first Christmas and get to know them as people. We want to shift our understanding from fictional fable, to human reality. We’d love to hear how this series is impacting you! Feel free to comment below.
If you need to catch up, here’s our past devotionals:
Day 1- The Prophets: The Conviction, Cost, and Triumph of Truth
Day 2- The Jewish Nation: The Gift of Waiting
Day 3- Mary: Perfect Isn’t Required
Day 4- Jospeh: The Forgotten Father
Day 5- Elizabeth: Joy in the Waiting

Today we’re hearing Guido Trinidad, Owner of Peak 360 Fitness, Co-Founder of Wodapalooza, and 2 times CrossFit Games Competitor. 

READ: Luke 1:39-45, Luke 3:1-22
“As John grew up, God’s Spirit gave him great power.
John lived in the desert until the time he was sent to the people of Israel.
You, my son, will be called
the prophet of God Most High.
You will go ahead of the Lord
to get everything ready
for him.”

John the Baptist was conceived as a miracle for Elizabeth who was a woman older in age and unable to conceive. Elizabeth and Mary (mother of Jesus Christ) were relatives and both were encountered by the angel Gabriel, who communicated to them the promise of God and their miraculous pregnancies.

John the Baptist was born to prepare the way for the Lord and thus is why was born 6 months before Jesus. Even in the womb the Holy Spirit filled this future prophet with passion for his Savior as he jumped in his mothers belly when Mary spoke of her pregnancy.

The moment Israel had long awaited was coming; their messiah was coming. Who would let them know, who would prepare them for this crucial moment that generations upon generations have prophesied and highly anticipated?

God chose John the Baptist, but could only use him according to the condition of his heart. Understanding and accepting the significance of his calling, he chose to live in solitude in the wilderness until he developed strength in spirit.

John’s passion was remarkable considering all of the energy he put into his message was not for personal gain nor glory; instead it was all directed at preparing the way for something and someone bigger than himself. His humility and understanding allowed for the big picture to unfold as he communicated to crowds the truth of what they needed to do to be righteous. With the heart of a coach who was preparing his athletes for the biggest game of their lives he relentlessly encouraged them to take action and live righteously.

Right now we are walking into a season of life full of uncertainty. In front of us could be trials and adversity, success and growth, or a quiet time where things seem to be idle. Regardless of the season; let us embody the qualities of character and strength in spirit that John the baptist demonstrated.  

How are you preparing for the season that God has called you into?

Have you considered the possibility that the purpose he has called you for is not about you? How are you working on maintaining a humble perspective regarding your purpose that is not centered around you?

What is one thing you can do daily to ensure that your passion tank is on full so that it spills over unto every life you come in contact with?  

Our prayer is that God speak to you and prepare you for the purpose he has destined for you. May he purify your heart with humility and fill it with a passion that radically impacts the lives around you. Oh, What an amazing opportunity we have been given… to live with an overflowing passion that transcends all seasons of life!

More Devotions from our Christmas series, The Men and Women at the First Christmas: 
Day 1- The Prophets: The Conviction, Cost, and Triumph of Truth
Day 2- The Jewish Nation: The Gift of Waiting
Day 3- Mary: Perfect Isn’t Required
Day 4- Jospeh: The Forgotten Father
Day 5- Elizabeth: Joy in the Waiting



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