
A few weeks ago, I got to attend Faith Rx’d: Iron Sharpens Iron Training camp here in Denver at my CrossFit Box, BackCountry CrossFit. It was a game changing weekend to say the least. We had athletes from all over the world (literally) come together to strengthen not only their bodies, but their faith and their relationship with Jesus Christ.
There was so much to take away from the weekend; some of the points I am still pondering and thinking about weeks later. I plan on doing blog posts on each of the keynote sessions as well, going in depth more with my thoughts. There’s a lot!
All the coaches were introduced…each and everyone of them were amazing-humble, down to earth, amazing athletes with a faith on fire! I felt so blessed to be among some of the “super stars” in the sport. No egos, just huge hearts and a desire to help us all grow in our lives.
Spencer Arnold started the weekend with the foundations of the gospel. I loved hearing him talk. You could tell he had a love for Jesus that went deep. One thing that he asked was “Are you a Christian by culture or by faith?” Think about that for a minute! He also talked about how “belief mandates action.”
After each session, we went to a breakout group to discuss further the message we had just heard. We stayed in the same groups through the weekend so we could build relationships and community.
Saturday morning started out with a skill session on snatches. Loved it. I think snatches have to be my favorite lift. Crazy I know!
Then we broke out into groups depending on what topics we wanted to hear. I went to the athlete focus led by Chris Spealler and Becky Conzelman. We talked about goal setting and competing. A huge take away for me on this session was to make goals a positive goal (“I will achieve ___”). We talked about mantras to help us stay focused in the suck of a workout and also an anchor point for when things aren’t going well to help bring us back. Other great quotes from Chris: “Show up and enjoy THIS moment” and, “Never compare yourself to anyone else because you will only be as good as they are.”
Chip Pugh talked to us about living out our faith, in our boxes and in our community. He used the example of wearing a shirt representing a team/college. Everything we do represents that team. Same for our faith and our relationship with Jesus. We need to make sure we are wearing the right shirt and representing Him well. I can’t get that out of my head!
He asked, “Are you helping or hurting those around you with your actions?”
Our afternoon skill session was led by Chris Spealler. We focused on all the variations of pull-ups and muscle ups. He made it so fun to learn and the dude is a comedian I tell ya! I was actually able to do a kipping pull up! WHAT?!?! Awesome stuff right there!! We followed the session with a partner WOD which is always fun!
We talked more in depth about how to start a Faith Rx’d chapter in our own community. I am so excited for what these guys are doing, bringing Jesus to the CrossFit community! I am praying and hoping that I will have the opportunity to start a chapter in Australia once we move and get settled.
“Remember, your identity is not in your performance, but in Christ”
Sunday morning started with tears and prayers. Jonathan Morgan “JoMo” spoke about faith outreach: reaching out to those in the community, spreading the gospel, being an example and living our faith in the box.
“Do the things you do and not do, commend the gospel?”
We ended with one last skill session on rowing by Josh Elmore and one last crazy WOD. We did Christine: rowing, deadlifts and box jumps!
It was such an amazing weekend. I got to make new friends, including one from the UK who prayed with me when I told him I was having issues with my hip. During our breaks, the coaches got their workouts in. It was amazing to see their work ethic and see them lifting and woding in action. If you ever have the chance to go to a Faith Rx’d event – DO IT. It will change your life, your heart and your mindset.
“We are created by an amazing God to glorify Him, not ourselves”
Adapted with permission from Autumn Lee. You can follow her reflections about nutrition, CrossFit and moving to Australia at http://livefiercely.wordpress.com/



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