
Every year, as part of our observance of Easter, we take a moment to reflect on the pain and suffering Jesus experienced when He laid down His life in an act of sacrificial love for the human race.
Gyms and FAITH RXD Chapters around the world host the Passion WOD on Easter Weekend, most of them on Good Friday.
Every year, the workout is the same:

  • 100 Double Unders- to remind us of the lashings he received by a whip with shards of bone and metal that ripped his back.
  • 800m Barbell Carry (95/65)- to symbolize Jesus carrying his own crossbar to his execution site as he took the weight of our sin upon himself.
  • 100 Burpees- to signify him conquering death by rising again.

Invite your friends and join your local gym or FAITH RXD chapter to participate in the most meaningful workout you’ll do all year.
“He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.” Isaiah 53:5

Testimony from Last Year’s Passion WOD

Ali is a member of the FAITH RXD Denver Chapter. She wrote this beautiful post on Facebook after her experience:

These words came alive to me last night at the Passion WOD with FAITH RXD Denver. Every single one of them is real. Last night was more than just another workout. It was a spiritual experience. We started in 3 minutes of silence and continued the entire time in silence as Christ did, as a lamb to the slaughter and not uttering a word.
100 Double Unders
800 m Barbell Carry
100 Burpees
With each sound of the passing rope beneath my feet I pondered the even more intense lashing of the whip (mended with barbs and razor like objects) against Jesus’ flesh as they tore Him to pieces. By His stripes we were healed/ “sozo’d”. This was a real event. By each stripe we’ve been made whole, prosperous, delivered, and healed of all infirmities and sicknesses. He took even all emotional anxieties. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him.
The barbell carry was a lot worse than I thought it was going to be. I’m glad I chose the Rx weight, because it gave me an even greater glimpse of the approximately 125 lb cross He carried, a longer distance we did, and up a hill. And He did it physically weakened by everything He had already gone through. With every step I was closer and closer to the stop sign we were supposed to turn around at. I kept remembering Hebrews 12:2, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” That stop sign was the halfway mark for me where I got to turn around.
I kept my eyes on that to keep me moving, and the finish line when I would be able to drop the bar. The joy set before him was us, guys. He did this for us. He endured it all. Many others have died a similar death, not to the same extent, but the difference is, our Savior didn’t have to. He was without blame. (Hebrews 4:15) He didn’t have to, but He did.
Some people had help because Jesus did. The weighing down of your chest, back and shoulders was definitely uncomfortable yet made me think of the pain He had to go through to even breathe. The asphyxiation on the cross is often what kills the convicted one on the cross. In order to breathe, they would have to move in such a way as to put more pressure on the nails in their wrists and feet.

I can’t explain how amazing it felt to have the burden carry lifted off my shoulders when we returned to the gym. The great thing was, I had 100 burpees to think about what this really meant to me. When that burden was dropped, I thought of when Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Because this was real, if I’m ever being weighed down by anything, I’m not walking in the victory Christ died to give me. We are called to take up His yoke. The finished work of Jesus. His abundant life. He doesn’t intend for us to live this life without Him. It’s not easy but He’s given us everything we need to do it.
With every time we got down and the ground and jumped back up, symbolic of the resurrection, I thought of two things: 1) we lay our life down to take His and let Him live through us and 2) we identify with Him in being crucified with Christ yet we live, not us but Him through us (Galatians 2:20!)
While this cannot even compare with the torment Jesus experienced, not only physically, but the emotional separation from the Father, taking all curses of the law, all our sin (actually becoming it), and the knowledge of everything He would have to go through as well, it did give me a whole new appreciation and acknowledgement of the reality of it all. What He did and that you and I were worth it. I didn’t say that, God did.
This Easter Sunday, let this not just be another monotonous day where we hear the story at church, say thanks, and go eat a great meal with family and friends. Let this be a time where we truly ponder what this looks like in our daily life, if this is as real as it is. Do you think differently? Do you act differently? Do you feel differently? God is alive people! And he has come to set us free, heal us completely, mend the broken heart and so much more! Feel free to comment what Christ’s resurrection life looks like to you!



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