

2 Timothy 1:7


As competitors, we strive to do our best. During the workout, we always aim to perform at a high level. Our best means that we put as much attention and effort as possible into our movements, form, and lifts.

When we do these things consistently, results follow, and we can achieve a new best. Our target goals become easier to hit, and we become better athletes.

When we don’t do our best, we may see some results, but they aren’t what we want.

  1. How do you define your best?

Doing our best during the workout is one thing. Doing our best to be better Christians is what being our best selves is really about.

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Here we learn that with whatever we do, our focus should be on his glory. That is one way we have the best attitude for Him.

But doing our best for God isn’t easy. There are so many destructive distractions in today’s world that can pull our attention away from Christ. When this happens, we aren’t doing our best as Christians.

In those times, we should ask Him for a little more strength. Because doing our best for Jesus also means relying on Him in moments when we feel like we can’t handle things. Trusting Christ means putting our trust in Him. And that we trust that he will do what he says. When we do that, it becomes easier to do our best.

But it is important to note: Doing our best doesn’t mean doing things perfectly. The only One who can do something perfectly is Jesus.


1. What does it mean to you to do your best for Christ?

2. Write down one way you can be a better disciple of Jesus.



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