

Isaiah 25:4


The way that we face challenges determines what kind of person we are. We can be champions, rising to the occasion and recognizing that we can use it as a defining moment, strengthening our character and resilience. Or we can choose to fold under pressure, not learn from it, and gain nothing.

Of course, we know which one that we are. As competitors, we are champions. We embrace challenges, not dodge them. We don’t shy away from challenges but welcome them with open arms. Just as David fearlessly took on the mission to defeat Goliath, we approach our challenges with unwavering determination.

How did you handle the last challenge that came your way?

Consider a captain on a ship who receives an alert that a treacherous hurricane is on the horizon. Do you think that he decides it’s too much to handle? No. He makes sure that his vessel is out of the danger zone. And if that isn’t enough, he is coordinating with vessel and shore coordinators to ensure the vessel master can avoid the storm. But what if that doesn’t work? Well, the captain then guides his vessel to the side of the storm, where the momentum is subtracted from the storm’s wind speed.

The captain may have to do a lot to face the challenge, but he does it.

Psalm 46:1-3 says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

Because sometimes our physical and mental capacity isn’t enough. And that’s when God comes in and makes up the difference, helping us face that challenge head on and embrace the growth that it will bring.


1. Write down one way you can do better at handling challenges.

2. Commit Psalm:46 1-3 to memory.



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