

Isaiah 41:10


Have you ever found yourself in a rut, feeling like you need to progress and be more confident about your next move?

This predicament often stems from a mindset issue. While major leaps forward may not always be apparent, we must recognize the power of small improvements, as they tend to yield substantial long-term results.

Consider the examples set by sports legends like Michael Jordan and Tom Brady. Their extraordinary success wasn’t solely based on continuous victories but was rooted in their unwavering commitment to ongoing improvement. They understood that winning was not going to happen in every instance.

Their exceptional skills and talents evolved because they poured their hearts into constant refinement, refusing to let any obstacles hinder them.

Injuries, critics, and that monster we all deal with called doubt didn’t hold them back. They knew how to handle these things and continue their growth as champions.

But sometimes, you may feel completely stuck. What does the Bible tell us about such times?

Psalm 34:17-18 says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

This verse invites you to bring your concerns, fears, and troubles to the Lord in prayer. It assures you that God is not distant but intimately close, ready to provide comfort and deliverance. When you feel brokenhearted or overwhelmed, He is there to uplift and save you.

So, as you navigate forward, you can do so with the confidence that God is attentive to your needs. Trusting in Him involves acknowledging your challenges, seeking His guidance, and relying on His promise to deliver you from difficulties.


1. Commit Isaiah 41:10 to memory.



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