

Romans 12:2 


The best athletes didn’t become MVPs and champions because they were born into it. They chose to master their sport, which required sacrifice, diligence, and unwavering dedication. They stayed behind to work out or run plays when others didn’t.

You don’t just become a black belt, either. You master the other ranks, going through each belt and testing your skill and capabilities as a martial artist.

To master something doesn’t mean you’ll be the best at it. For example, since the NFL’s creation in 1920, 25,000 players have played professional football. But out of those 25,000, only 300 were ever inducted into the Hall of Fame. But that doesn’t mean you would say that the other players haven’t mastered their sport. They made it. They just aren’t Joe Montana or Tom Brady.

Some of the most challenging things to master as Christians are self-control and discipline. The battle within the soul can be intense, nerve-racking, and discouraging. The only way to overcome such hurdles is to rely on Jesus Christ. That’s what true champions do. They recognize that real victory against the Forces of Evil is only possible when Christ is with us.

Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse of Scripture tells us that God will be with us during trying and difficult times.

To master ourselves is not about reaching an unattainable state of perfection but embarking on a journey of relentless self-improvement. The pursuit of excellence resonates with God’s expectations for us. We are endowed with the capacity to rise to the occasion and exceed our limitations, unlocking the depths of our potential.


1. Commit Isaiah 41:10 to memory.

2. Write down one way you can improve self-mastery in your life.



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