

Ephesians 5:1-2


When you stand in front of the mirror, what do you see? Do you see something you’re proud of or a shell of who you are, not tapping into your God-given potential?

As a competitor, you should see a warrior. Someone dedicated to hitting their targets during the workout and in life. A person who doesn’t back down or use excuses when things get tough. The reflection you see staring back at you should be more than physical. It should be mental and, above all, spiritual. You should be able to look at yourself and feel confidence, peace of mind, and happiness for who you are.

If you could stand in front of a mirror and see your soul, what would you think it would see? Would there be a light emanating from your spirit because of how you conduct yourself as a believer of Jesus Christ, or would there be little to no light because you aren’t living how you should?

1 John 2:6 says, “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” This Scripture doesn’t tell us that we must live in an ancient city, eat fish and bread, or walk miles to preach His Word. It reflects on what Jesus did, meaning we need to follow his example. Following that example makes our light shine so bright that if someone were to see into our soul, they would know without question that we follow Him.

The Bible says that Christ will shine on you. There is nothing so powerful as His light. So, let us shine our light. Reflect the best of ourselves as we go out about our day and be the best people we can be for Jesus. Then, we can all stand in front of that mirror, smile, and say, “I’m proud to be on his team and working for the benefit of the kingdom of God.”


1. Commit 1 John 2:6 to memory.



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