

Proverbs 16:3 


The best competitors move through the workout with smooth transitions and excellent technique. These competitors have a fuller range of motion than others, partially because they understand how critical mobility is as an athlete.

These competitors can handle more difficult positions or adjust their movements when needed. And because they don’t overlook the importance of mobility, they often beat their best time, do more reps, and have a more complete recovery.

1. Do you take the time to increase your mobility?

2. What have you noticed about competitors that focus on their mobility?

Competitors should commit to better mobility just like disciples should commit to a deeper relationship with Him. When we commit, Proverbs promises us that “He will establish our plans.”

The Scripture clearly states that He will guide us. When you’ve got Jesus Christ giving you the directions, that’s better than any GPS system on the market.

Divine guidance helps us establish better behaviors and habits as Christians. Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew that when we are “weary or burdened,” and come unto Him, he will give us rest and make our burdens “light.”

Here, he is telling us that all the heavy mental and spiritual weight is much easier to manage when we commit to His teachings.

Committing can be hard to do at times, just like remembering to do your mobility exercises. But our problems aren’t as difficult to solve when He is by our side, helping guide our movements.


1. Think of how you can increase your spiritual mobility.

2. Write down what kind of plan you have for yourself. Does it match the one He has for you?

3. Read Matthew 11.



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