

1 Corinthians 11:1 


Today’s culture would have us believe that Jesus is an outdated concept. They may even go as far as saying that religion and faith are oppressive and do not help people at all. This narrative also supports the idea that you don’t need a higher power to rely on and that a person can benefit enough from using their mind and abilities, devoid of God. 

This idea isn’t a new concept but one that is easier to spread with the level of access we have to information. We see it online with social media, many movies, television shows, and, at some level, in how children are educated in school and influenced by the content and ideas from the entertainment industry.

With how bombarded we are with material that doesn’t align with God’s message, it can be difficult to avoid such things altogether. After all, we can’t filter out everything. But what we can do is continue to stand for principles and values that match those of a believer.

Maintaining this spiritual mindset or adopting it is how we receive true clarity in life as followers of Christ. In Isaiah 55:8-9, we are reminded that God’s ways are different than ours. The Scripture says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.” We should remember this Scripture when we encounter content that focuses on demeaning or criticizing God’s message. We can draw power and comfort from this specific Scripture and countless others.

Christ’s message will always be relevant. It has healed souls and nations for thousands of years. It is the one constant we can always count on, and no matter what today’s culture says, it will always be there for us.


1. Commit Isaiah 55:8-9 to memory.



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