

Psalm 40:1


Recover. It is a word we hear often as competitors. When we get hurt, we must take steps to heal to get back on the bar. More importantly, we have to exercise patience.

Patience can be hard for high-performers. We want to get to the next level, not sit around and feel like we aren’t moving forward. But when we become too impatient, recovery and healing take more time.

Or we may want to do the workout the same way, even though we know we need to modify because of our injury. In both cases, we have to be patient.

  1. Have you ever been further injured because you didn’t wait to recover?
  2. Have you ever had a major injury occur that took a lot of time to heal?

Yes, patience can be hard. But we need to remember that patience makes us holier. In Colossians 3:12, it says, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

And when we exercise patience, He helps sustain us for longer periods of time. Patience draws us closer to Him because we are following the path He wants us to walk.

Let’s remember who had to practice that we could never understand, He who suffered and died on the Cross.


  1. Find two other verses in Scripture about patience.
  2. Write down how you can better handle situations where your patience is running out.
  3. Reflect on the benefits you’ve experienced from being more patient.



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