

Matthew 24:37-39 


A story about four children surviving in the Amazon for 40 days made headlines in June. The children, who were natives of the area, were able to eat cassava flour and seeds to survive. When their rescue arrived, the kids were weak and needed immediate medical care.

The children were better prepared for the possibility of a plane crash than most people, having grown up in the jungle and learned how to navigate its unforgiving landscape. They had no way of knowing that their lives would be forever changed when they boarded the plane, but they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

  1. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had skills that made you better prepared than others?

Often in life, things happen that we never expect. But we need to be prepared for whatever comes. Like Noah, we must build our arks before the rain pours.

When Noah built the ark, we don’t know what his interactions were then. But we can imagine that many people must have thought he was a fool, leading others away from living a good life. But Noah knew better. He was prepared because he was God’s messenger.

The Bible tells us that being prepared isn’t just something that helps us out but a divine principle. In John 14:13, Jesus says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

Additionally, when we prepare we can handle challenges and unexpected circumstances more effectively. The benefits of preparation are numerous, including reducing our stress, increasing our mental resilience, and overall well-being. Let us prepare more in our lives, so that we can handle the storms that come in times we least expect.


1. Write down two things you can do to be better prepared in life.



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