

Proverbs 3:5-6


We have to take risks as competitors. When we refuse to do so, growth becomes stagnant. Without positive change, we cannot improve and open the door for poor habits to form.

You’ve heard the saying no risk, no reward. The saying is accurate. Think about people professionally who achieved major success. Many of those individuals had critics who told them they risked too much or couldn’t make it in the real world. But those individuals didn’t listen to the negativity. Instead, they kept themselves focused, understanding that it would be a risk, and it significantly paid off for them.

But, some risks are destructive, and we should avoid these risks at all costs.

It can be a risk to follow God as well. Some people lose friends and family. In the most awful situations, following Jesus can cost someone their life, as we saw when ISIS had control over swaths of territory in the Middle East. The other risk that people may factor in is that you have to live with a new set of standards, which might be inconvenient for some. But all in all, the risk is worth it. And reward or payoff is much more fulfilling than anything you’ll ever get from your professional life.

In Peter, we discover that taking risks can be truly worthwhile. It’s like that feeling when you’ve been through tough times and come out on the other side even stronger and more steadfast. The Bible Passage says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have endured some challenges, will personally help you recover, making you stronger and more resilient.”


1. Commit 1 Peter 5:10 to memory.



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