

1 Timothy 3:13 


Warriors exhibit determination, facing adversity head-on, irrespective of the odds stacked against them. To them, overwhelming forces merely present a chance to discern weaknesses and turn the tide in their favor. Furthermore, warriors remain steadfast in their commitment to righteousness, impervious to the sway of peer pressure or passing trends. These influences only fuel their dedication to their cause and their role as inspirations to others.

When we falter in standing up for what is right, we risk losing a small part of our soul. Why does this happen? Because righteousness, as exemplified by the teachings of Jesus, resonates with divine principles. Choosing our will over His aligns us with the transitory whims of today’s cultural trends.

While it may be challenging to stand up for what is right, it is a duty rooted in our faith and aligned with God’s will. The Holocaust remains a chilling testament to a period marked by the relentless persecution, targeting, and extermination of Jews and various other groups by the Nazis. Even amidst such darkness, some heroes emerged, offering refuge to Jews, orchestrating daring rescues, and occasionally sacrificing their own lives to ensure the safety of the persecuted.

Philippians 1:27 says, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” This passage of Scripture encourages us to stand up for God at all times.

Choosing to stand with the Lord may not always offer the immediate leads to His blessings because of our faithfulness in Him.


1. Commit Philippians 1:27 to memory.



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