
We’ve got your daily encouragement, written by Rick Crabtree. 


Bible Reading:

Daniel 10:19

“And he said, “O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.


Where do we get our courage and strength? Do we default to what the world has to say about courage and strength and how to obtain it? Do we rely on ourselves and enter into challenges and trials with a headstrong and self-accomplishing mentality? Do we put all of our faith and trust into faculties that may ultimately fail? For Christians, our default should be to turn to God in these situations. But, how often do we immediately turn to Him when we need this encouragement and guidance?

The Bible repeatedly tells us that it is not us who manifest the courage and strength, but instead, it is God who gives us these attributes. So, when we find ourselves in difficult situations, it is important to seek the Lord and allow Him to work and provide our courage and strength.

Our main verse states, “Be strong and of good courage.” When we find ourselves facing difficult situations, it’s essential for us to stand firm, be uncompromising, and be one who doesn’t give way to fear. We must have the courage to stand for what we know is true so that we don’t vary from situation to situation.

Yet, this is not accomplished by our own power and intention, but instead by the Lord. The verse continues by saying, “… as he spoke to me, I was strengthened.” Daniel did not rely on himself or anything else for courage and strength, he instead turned to God, and as the Lord spoke to him, he was strengthened. It is the same for us.

The most important factor in times that we require courage and strength, is that we default to God for guidance. No matter what scenario or circumstance we find ourselves in, God’s message is this, “Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous.” This is good, sound, and spiritual instruction that all believers ought to respond to. In Psalm 27:14 it says, “Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage.” So, don’t give way to fear, and don’t give way to the enemy. Be willing to face the difficulty. Be willing to face the challenge and meet the enemy with great courage- All by the strength and power of the Lord.


Lord Jesus, I pray that we are constantly reminded of your power and presence. Help us all to remember that you are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and that no matter what we face in our lives, you have the power to guide us through. Encourage us to turn to you for our courage and strength, and not to rely on ourselves or the world. Let us turn to your Word, and constantly be reminded of how you command us to be strong and courageous, and that it is you that enables us and makes it so.


Open your Bible and jump on the internet. Do a search for all of the verses that talk about courage and strength. Choose one or two verses to look into more. Read the Word, and some commentary about those verses. See what God will show you.


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