
We’ve got your daily encouragement, written by Polly Barcol.


Bible Reading:

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.


In Deuteronomy 3, Moses is passing on his leadership to Joshua. He is encouraging Joshua and the whole nation of Israel with his words. He tells them to be courageous and not afraid of THEM! He was referring to the nations that already lived in the Promised Land that they were going to have to run off in order to take the Promised Land. THEM were big and scary!

In Numbers 13:28, they are said to be powerful with large, fortified towns and some of them are giants. I’d say most people would be shaking in their sandals! What is your THEM? What in your life is making you shake? Maybe you try not to think about it because it brings fear to your heart, so you avoid even bringing it up.

What seems bigger and more powerful than you right now? Maybe even causes you to doubt what God has spoken over your life? The Israelites know your plight! They avoided going into the Promised Land the first time and ended up wandering in the desert for 40 years because they doubted God.

Are you wandering in your own desert of worry? Maybe settling for less than what God has called you to. God did what He said He would do and gave the Promised Land to the Israelites. He did it in such a way that the whole world would know it was Him and Him alone who gets RID OF THEM. God is the same yesterday, today and forever and if He said it, He will do it. He will get rid of the THEMS in your life too. Trust Him!



Lord, may You reveal the THEMS that we need to trust to You and know You have the victory! In Jesus Name. Amen!


List the THEMS, find a Bible verse that speaks into that fear or worry, and then write the verse with a big black marker over the THEMS.


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