Register to become a trusted and invaluable FAITH RXD Partner today when you contribute at least $100 per month and select “Partner”.
Your fitness affiliate shares our values of integrity, unity, excellence, and service. As a Partner we will feature your business/gym/church on our “Find a Partner” map..
Claim the subscription as “ordinary and necessary” marketing expense on your tax return (Subject to IRS guidelines).
Recieve a Partner bundle box with FAITH RXD swag.
We also periodically feature Partners on our social media and printed event programs.
As more members register at your box, you’ll be fueling key FAITH RXD objectives like:
- Mobilize our fitness community to service critical need through chapters and HQ sponsored trips.
- Develop tools to share faith and hope found in Christ.
- Create life-changing, relevant online and social media content.
- Provide booth presence and athlete support at the CrossFit Games.
- Support exploring chapter growth around the world.