
How To Start a Chapter

What Are Local Chapters?

Chapters are volunteer-led groups that strengthen fitness affiliate owners, coaches, and athletes for Christ-centered living and impact through workouts, faith-based discussion, prayer, social and service events. With unity of leadership and purpose, we can inspire people in cities and towns around the globe to bridge fitness and faith in a way an independent box Bible study cannot.

EVERYONE is encouraged to attend regardless of fitness level, religious affiliation, denomination, or gym membership. 

A safe group with whom to workout, ask challenging questions and grow in faith, both during and between hosted events.

A network that makes it easy to find community, even while on travel or after moving to a new place.

The Steps to Start a Chapter

1. Determine if there’s a chapter already nearby.
Search for an existing FAITH RXD chapter in your area via the map here. If one exists within a 45 minute drive, connect with the chapter leader and to the chapter Facebook group site. We encourage you to get involved as a member, or even ask them about joining their leadership team!

If none exist within a 45 minute drive, try to attend at least one event hosted by the nearest chapter so you can experience what it’s like, read the steps below to learn what’s involved in forming a new chapter, and pray about how God might want to use you.

2. Attend a FAITH RXD Training Event.
Attend an Iron Sharpens Iron, Global Service or IMPACT Leadership Conference event listed here. Try to bring others from your potential leadership team so you can use it as an opportunity to strategize a shared vision.
3. Fill out a Ministry Leadership Application.

Contact Elizabeth Kirchmeier, at el*******@fa******.org to ask questions and request a Ministry Leadership Application and/or setup a time to discuss this opportunity further.

4. Be Interviewed.
Once your MLA is completed, we will then interview you via video conference call, check your references, and initiate a background check via an online link we send you from our provider.
5. Build your team.
Recruit at least two other leaders (secondary leaders are not required to complete an MLA) and host a leadership team prayer and planning session. We have various roles listed below that these two leaders will assist with.
6. Plan your first event!
Once the new chapter is certified by FAITH RXD and you’ve been added as an administrator for the  Facebook group we create for you, you may begin planning activities and events that support the mission and values of FAITH RXD!
Ready to Get Started

Sign up for one of our next training events or contact us for more information.

Building Your Leadership Team

Chapter Leadership

A chapter leadership team member is fully committed to the mission of FAITH RXD and the success of the chapter, and possesses passions, gifts and experience which match one of the roles below.

The team must include a broad range of diversity such as gender (required), age, the affiliate they attend, box status (owners, coaches and members), marital status, church, race/ethnicity, and fitness level. They mature their faith through consistent time in the Bible, prayer, a local church, and an explicitly accountable relationship with a committed follower of the same gender. 

Leaders are carefully screened (interviews, reference and background checks) and trained (True Strength Camps (Formerly known as Iron Sharpens Iron), video conference calls, chapter leader Facebook Group). 

We look to see if there is a positive relationship between leaders and at least two local fitness affiliates and at least two local churches.


  • Exudes passion to see the local fitness community get strengthened for Christ-centered living and impact. 
  • Meets requirements set forth in “Steps” section above. 
  • Cultivates and empowers the leadership team and chapter in the spirit of Romans 12:3-8. 
  • Maintains personal focus on strategic issues such as frequency of events, where to host, outreach to the greater community, long range planning. 
  • Continuously evaluates support of the FAITH RXD  mission and redirects as needed. 
  • Communicates with FAITH RXD Regional Advisor and other chapter leaders, sharing best (and worst) practices via Workplace.
  • A person mature in faith and dedicated to spiritual disciplines. 
  • Deeply rooted in a local church, guides and encourages the spiritual growth of the chapter and leadership team. 
  • Plans long-range flow of event topics, including faith workouts provided by FAITH RXD. 
  • Coordinates event speakers, ensuring only those grounded in Biblical truth are given teaching or small group facilitation roles. 
  • Creates and/or makes resources available such as links to FAITH RXD blog posts, devotional guides, apps, etc. 
  • Encourages and oversees the formation of smaller “Strength Groups” through which deeper spiritual growth and accountability can form.
Outreach Coordinator
  • Finds ways to make especially new attendees feel welcome. 
  • Maintains names, email addresses, uploads to FAITH RXD Newsletter List with permission from attendees. 
  • Frequent communication via email and Facebook Group site including posting all events for current and future month, photos and recap after. 
  • Encourages member connection with the larger FAITH RXD community through social media and neighbor chapters.
Lead Coach
  • CrossFit Level 1 and CPR Certified. 
  • Plans event WODs or utilizes those created by the Coach Role Champion. 
  • Assigns coaching roles for all events. 
  • Present for all chapter workouts. 
  • Posts supplement training information via Facebook Group.
  • Coordinates competition booth presence (and chapter teams if interest) in collaboration with Service Coordinator.
Service Coordinator
  • Creates one or two focused local service partnerships. 
  • Plans and leads community service efforts. 
  • Plans and leads fundraising efforts to support the global reach of FAITH RXD through chapter resources, True Strength Camp and Chapter Leader Conference scholarships, and international missions.
Ready to Get Started

Sign up for one of our next training events or contact us for more information.

How HQ Supports Local Chapters

  • Marketing and administrative support and guidance. 
  • Workout programming and discussion-based devotional content. 
  • Monthly video conference calls, joined by FAITH RXD leaders around the globe in which we provide training and collaboration on how to be most effective in ministry. 
  • Workplace communication platform where leadership teams share praise, prayer requests, best practices, opportunities and discussion. 
  • Hosts IMPACT Chapter Leadership Conference every other year. 
  • 501c(3) tax exemption to provide managed financial support of local donations, booth outreach, food, transportation, and training. 
  • Accountability and encouragement from our staff.
Ready to Get Started

Sign up for one of our next training events or contact us for more information.



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