

Galatians 6:2


Jesus didn’t tear others down. He uplifted them, even those who were in the most challenging situations. He gave them a reason to keep fighting. While others persecuted and mocked those who were poor, diseased, afflicted, and different, the Lord sat beside and loved them.

Today, many people are tearing others down, most commonly for political, cultural, and social reasons. Often, people don’t take the time to talk about things. Instead, they jump to the worst conclusions because someone doesn’t see eye-to-eye with them, forgetting what they might have in common with that person or group. As a result, they hurt others and themselves.

Christians must stand for their convictions and follow Christ’s example. We know better than to hurt people because we disagree. The Lord mentions peacemakers in the Bible. Peacemakers are those who mediate and help others come to common ground. While that may not always be an option, looking at things with a Biblical view, meaning what God would do in such a situation, is the proper perspective.

Think about the power that comes from uplifting others. You don’t just make them feel valued or inspired. You sometimes even create a ripple effect, which helps transform people that the individual you impacted knows and associates with.

Philippians 2:3-4 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. This Scripture calls us to place the needs and concerns of others ahead of our own, whether they share our faith or not. When we reach out and uplift those around us, we invite the Lord’s presence into our lives, deepening our understanding of His Word and divine plan.


1. Commit Galatians 6:2 to memory.

2. Write down one thing you can do to uplift someone who isn’t a Christian.



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