Today’s Faith Workout was written by the leadership team at FAITH RXD New York City. Local FAITH RXD Chapters meet all over the world, hosting Service Events and free Faith +Fitness Events that include a workout and faith discussion. Connect to local chapter near you.
Galatians 6:1-2
A real community involves relationships that are woven together closely. At the gym, we have opportunities to help each other through a workout. In life, we have the same opportunities as the people around us are in a trial.
How much do you care about others? When your friends or family go through hard times, do you feel like you are going through a hard time with them? Or is there no connection?
A friend of mine was working with a lady who had become the “Negative Nancy” of the office. Not only was her attitude declining, her work performance was declining as well. And we all know that when one member of the team is slacking, others have to pick up the slack in order to complete the task. She gently approached Nancy with a “gentle spirit” (6:1) and brought to light her recent activities. Nancy humbly acknowledged her mistakes and made the changes to her attitude and her work performance.
We are meant to be a community that loves and serves one another because God loved us first. In response to His grace, we care so much for people when they go through trials, stumble in sin, and search for purpose. Our hearts should feel what they are going through. We may have all of the right scriptures to tell someone in those hard times, but many times, we just need to bear the burden with them. When a friend stumbles in sin, we hurt because it hurts God. We carry the weight of them falling, and pray with them to turn from sin towards God.
Galatians 6 gives us a strong sense of community because we are urged to be there for each other. Want to fulfill the law of Christ? Examine yourself, think of others first, and give up your heart.
Skill Work:
- Take a step back and look at the relationships around you. Is there anyone who has a heavy load that you can help with?
- Are you missing opportunities to support your friends through a workout?
- Be bold in noticing someone struggling and offer to pray with them. God is a faithful God.