
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind”

Romans 12
Recently I have gone through a major transformation and it only took 3 minutes a day.  I responded to a challenge from a friend.  An 89-year-old spiritual giant challenged me to read Romans 12 every day for an entire month.  He promised it would change my life, and he was right.
The twelfth chapter of Romans contains 21 verses.  A slow, thoughtful reading only takes about three minutes.  The experience was amazing!
What happened?
After the first ten days of this consistent reading, I found myself looking for opportunities to serve more than I have in the past.  I reacted slower to hurtful comments.  I prayed more frequently and more boldly.  I asked God to give me, and those close to me, more of His gracious gifts.  And above all, I simply thought about what God wants.  This is the focus of Romans 12.  True worship is placing God at the center of everything we do.  It is valuing what God wants, and hungering to live it out.
Why did this happen?
1- Words are powerful.  God spoke the world into existence through words.  Jesus is described as “the Word,” signifying His central meaning to the universe.  Communication IS creation. (John 1)
2- These are God’s words!  If words are powerful, then the most powerful being must use the most powerful words.  Why would we miss one day reading the Words of our Creator?
3- Consistent practice makes permanent.  This is why we must examine things we do on a daily basis.  Habits undoubtedly have the most impact on our character.  Knowing this, we can make the greatest positive impact on our lives by immersing our minds into God’s Word everyday.
“Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever.  The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair.  They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold.  They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb.”Psalm 19:9-10
1- Begin today!  Read Romans 12 every day for a month.
2- If you want an additional boost.  Memorize one verse every day.  It will force you to meditate even deeper on the message.
3- Share your experience!



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