Just because we are in a season of physical distancing, doesn’t mean we can’t still find ways to serve our community and make a difference! Our team has compiled a list of service ideas and opportunities. If there’s others you think should be on here, please let us know!
Think locally:
  • GENEROSITY WEEK: Click here to learn more: www.faithrxd.org/generosityweek
  • cook, bake, pick-up food and then deliver it to our local first responders, hospitals, and/or shelters (may be some restrictions regarding home made food…Best to call and ask first, might have to be store bought only)
  • https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/americaletsdolunch
  • donating some spare toilet paper and cleaning supplies to the Dream Center for their Saturday food box deliveries (urban areas without big box stores are in need)
  • Masks/mask kits are being sewn for medical staff, due to the shortage. Additionally, collection of PPE for donation to hospitals.
  • deliver food to neighbors
  • Hand-written notes, left in mailboxes, on windows/doors saying we are thinking/praying for you
  • Deliver food baskets to first responders
  • Someone need something moved, fixed, or cleaned, but either can’t afford it, or wants someone they feel they can trust to help
Virtual Service:
Blood Donation:




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