
We’ve got your daily encouragement, written by Joe Mummert.


Bible Reading:

1 Corinthians 10:31

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”


As a coach and a competitor in sports, I have seen firsthand the rewards of diligent practice and preparation. It’s easy to think about practice and preparation when it comes to physical activity, sports, weightlifting, etc. But what about when it comes to things like discipline in itself? How do you practice good practice?

In football, a team can spend the entire week leading up to a game studying their opponent, watching every move and learning every tactic that may be used against them. Why don’t we employ this same strategy when it comes to discipline sometimes? I have learned that for me, personally, the only way I am going to eat properly is if I plan out my meals and prep on the weekend. I have to practice good discipline, it doesn’t come easy or naturally to me.

When I practice good discipline and good eating habits, then I am taking care of the temple that God has given to me. I wish I could say that I do this often but it has been a struggle throughout my life to eat properly and remain in good physical shape. It takes discipline and God’s help most days. When relying on God, even my eating and my outward appearance can be used as a testimony for God, as the verse says “…do it ALL for the glory of God.”


God, help me to study the enemy and know where he will attempt to trip me up. Help me to get
out ahead of it all and practice good discipline, especially in the areas that will benefit my body and
In Jesus’ name, amen!



Study the opponent! What areas are you weak in where you need to practice better discipline? Enlist the help of a trusted friend/accountability partner if needed!


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