
We sat down with Gym Owner, Pastor, FAITH RXD Leader and Chaplain Champion, Kelly Barcol, during the 2019 CrossFit Games. In this episode, we talk about his radical surrender to Jesus at multiple points throughout his life, and how God has used Kelly’s obedience to lead others into thriving relationships with Him. People come to Kelly because of their physical fitness needs, but quickly realize it’s their soul that needs healing.

A big thank you to this episode’s sponsor, FLYTE. FLYTE was created with the sole purpose of reconciling others to Christ through health and fitness. As an organization, they exist to provide you with premium supplements and information to help you build a healthy body and achieve your fitness goals. You can check them out at http://www.flytesport.com and make sure to follow them on instagram @flytesport.Use the code FAITHRXD for 10% off your purchase.

As always, if you any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach on our website www.faithrxd.org or on social @faithrxd. We’d also love to connect you to a local chapter. Despite physical distancing, our chapters are still holding regular FAITH + FITNESS Events online, as well as various SERVICE Projects. For more details, go to www.faithrxd.org/chapters


As a nonprofit ministry, we rely on the financial support from our generous donors.
We are so thankful for all of you who have continued to provide financial support during this time. We understand that many wanted to, but were unable to do so.  If you are in a position to give, I ask you to prayerfully support FAITH RXD with a gift that is right for you right now.



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