

Proverbs 11:30


Competitors possess an innate magnetism, attracting others towards them like moths to a flame. Their commitment to their craft fuels a burning fire of ambition within their hearts. Pursuing excellence, they infect those around them with a genuine desire to follow in their footsteps.

Their magnetic pull is not solely attributed to their physical prowess but to their exceptional leadership qualities that shine through their actions. With every stride and every rep, they exemplify dedication, showcasing their extreme discipline.

They aren’t interested in attracting others because of ego or self-image. Instead, competitors want to bring others in because they want others to know they can accomplish significant feats themselves.

Their mission transcends mere self-interest. It is rooted in a deep-seated passion to demonstrate that greatness is not exclusive or elusive, but rather within the reach of anyone willing to embrace the challenge.

Bringing others in when it comes to God has a different meaning. It indicates missionary work and fellowshipping others. We learn what Jesus wants of believers in Mark 16:15. “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

This Scripture presents an awe-inspiring call to action, reminding us that the Lord’s vision for building His kingdom. It is a divine invitation to think bigger and recognize that every single individual is a potential candidate for hearing and receiving the life-transforming power of His Word.

The magnitude of this task cannot be overstated. It challenges us to cast aside preconceived notions and boldly embrace the boundless reach of God’s love and grace. There are no boundaries or exclusions when it comes to spreading the message of salvation. The Lord’s heart is to attract all people to Himself, and He invites us to be active participants in this grand endeavor.


1. Commit Mark 16:15 to memory.

2. Write down the name of one person you can share His Word with.



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