

2 Corinthians 13:11


Competitors often celebrate their victories, even when they don’t receive a physical trophy or medal. Sometimes, the most fantastic prize is simply knowing they pushed themselves beyond their limits and gave it their all. In these moments, the feeling of accomplishment is enough to make any victory worthwhile.

We should celebrate the efforts and consistency of everyone in our workout group, especially those who take longer to learn new movements. Letting them know they are part of a team that supports and encourages them is essential. When we celebrate others’ successes, we are also celebrating our own. It shows that we are a community that values hard work and dedication.

Outside of the gym, we should celebrate our achievements. When accomplishing a goal, we should note what we did and celebrate how far we’ve come.

Above all, we must celebrate Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Without it, we would be lost and unable to see things clearly. We should praise Him and give thanks for his unmatched love and goodness toward those who follow Him. Jeremiah 20:13 reads, “Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked.”

Celebrating God is a way to show Him our love, both publicly and privately. We can express our love for God through our words and actions, both big and small. Some public ways to celebrate God include singing hymns, praying in public, and worshipping with other believers. Some private ways to praise God involve reading the Bible, praying privately, helping others, and living Christ-centered lives. These private acts of worship show our reverence and appreciation for God in a more personal way.


1. Commit 2 Corinthians 13:11 to memory.



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