

Matthew 7:24-25


Each day, we face choices that shape our trajectory. Pursuing a fulfilling journey, we strive to make decisions that enrich us with value, knowledge, and meaningful experiences. However, there are moments when we falter, and our choices leave us burdened with regret.

Have you ever made a big choice that you regretted? How about recently?

It’s essential to recognize that not all unfavorable choices are sins. Often, we make decisions out of inexperience or uncertainty, driven by the genuine desire to grow and learn. These moments, although challenging, do not necessarily lead us down the path of sin.

Yet, there are instances when we knowingly make choices that compromise the well-being of our souls. These deliberate actions, fueled by the awareness of their potential harm, serve as poignant examples of sin.

Romans 12:2 provides a powerful piece of advice when it comes to choices. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Let’s talk about the spiritual benefits of making good choices, aligned with God’s Word.

  • Less stress in life and more peace of mind because you are following Jesus.
  • A stronger testimony of His Gospel.
  • People who follow God’s law and plan are happier than others that don’t.
  • Freedom. You feel freer when you are doing what the Lord wants you to do.
  • Eternal life. This is the ultimate benefit, the promise of eternal life with God in heaven, a hope that provides comfort and reassurance.

May we make choices that draw us closer to Jesus, igniting our spiritual fire and illuminating the world around us. As we do, we will become a beacon of His light, helping to build His Kingdom on earth.


1. Commit Romans 12:2 to memory.

2. Write down two things you can do to make better spiritual choices.



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