

John 15:5


We aren’t born with extreme endurance as athletes. Endurance is something that we build over time, becoming the best version of ourselves during the workout. It requires commitment, grit, and a never-quit attitude. That means that when we feel like we cannot do it, we dig deeper for that spark and get empowered to push through the doubt.

Renowned NBA coach Pat Riley once famously stated, “When it comes to commitment, there are only two choices: you’re either fully invested or you’re not. There’s no room for ambiguity.”

Likewise, true competitors understand that there is no middle ground in their pursuit of excellence. We navigate a relentless journey riddled with challenges and obstacles, fully aware that each conquest along the way serves as a crucible for our growth as athletes.

But what about spiritual endurance? How do we improve ours? 

Here are some suggestions.

  1. Be intentional in your devotion to Christ, which means you are sincere in your efforts to draw closer to Him. You don’t do it for prestige. You do it because you know it is what is right and that your soul will benefit greatly from it. 
  2. Study scripture with the desire to grow in your knowledge of God. When you read His Word, read it with the desire to get something every time you immerse yourself in His message.
  3. Stay in the fight. There will be days when the Devil will launch more attacks than we can handle. But stand your ground, call upon the Lord, and resist.

Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

So endure. Endure as a competitor and endure for God. As you do, you will build up the necessary endurance for victory in the gym and the spiritual endurance needed as a Christian.


1. Write down two ways not listed here that you can build your spiritual endurance.



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