

Acts 24:16 


Competitors set realistic expectations, but we don’t settle for mediocrity. We have a mindset that demands excellence and always strive to do remarkable things. To outsiders, our expectations may seem daunting, but we know that anything is possible if we set our minds to it.

We don’t settle because we know that we can’t achieve our full potential when we accept less than we’re capable of. We also don’t want to regret our lives, knowing that we could have done more. We believe everyone has something unique to offer the world, and we want to make the most of our gifts.

We aren’t average. We are champions, and champions don’t set the bar low. Instead, they crush whatever bar they set.

When it comes to our spirituality, we shouldn’t settle, either. Romans 12:11 says, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

Think about believers you know who are scholars of God’s Word and live their lives for Christ daily. Do they only read His Word when it is convenient? Do they only help those in need when they get recognition? Do they only pray when they want divine intervention? No. Because they have a set a high spiritual bar and know that they cannot reach it without hard work and discipline.

2 Timothy 2:15 instructs us to “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and correctly handles the word of truth.” This verse encourages us to work diligently for Christ, seeking His approval in our decisions and lifestyle. We can find confidence in our actions and faithfulness by striving to live according to God’s Word.

When we dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to serving Jesus, we develop a deeper relationship with Him, and He becomes more involved in our lives. Setting our expectations on Him allows us to experience His love, guidance, and blessings.


1. Commit Romans 12:11 to memory.

2. Write down your thoughts on how you get a higher spiritual bar.



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