
We’ve got your daily encouragement, written by Jacob Reed.


Bible Reading:

Titus 2:11-12

11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, 12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age,


We have one life. One precious chance, with no defined time limit. The mind-blowing thing is that God has a will and a plan for your life.

We all are unique, yes. But God has also given basic instructions to us to form the foundations of who we are becoming in Him. Here He’s saying to live in Wisdom, Righteousness, and Devotion to God.

This passage in Titus tells us that this world is evil. We know that our basic desires are evil too. So how do we stand a chance at living out the life God wants for us?

By disciplining ourselves in instructions like this.

What does this discipline look like? If you want wisdom, practice wisdom. Contemplate wisdom, read what God has to say about wisdom, and ask Him for wisdom. This type of discipline applies to any area that we are looking for a breakthrough in even nutrition, gymnastics, and weightlifting.

Let’s say you practice and practice and fall short and fail? Which you will. True discipline has this amazing factor when we look at discipline through God’s eyes: Grace. God gives us grace, and as we pursue a life in Him, we must accept it. Great Discipline is hard to practice with great grace.



Father give me Grace for all the times I’ve fallen short. Give me strength to live for you in boldness in this evil world. As I pursue disciplined life in you. Help me pursue wisdom, righteousness and devotion to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen



Spend some time with God and in His word to see how He would have you live this one precious life. First, accept His grace. Then commit to disciplined practice.


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