

James 1:25


In the ever-changing world of CrossFit, intentionality is essential for success. Every movement, every lift, and every drop of sweat must be done with purpose. With this focus and determination, our goals will stay within reach. This intentionality fuels our journey, driving us forward with unstoppable force. With each step we take, we move closer to triumph.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live a life with more intention? A life where you are not just going through the motions, but where you are actively making choices that align with your values and goals?

If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel like they are just surviving, not really living. They feel like they are on autopilot, not really in control of their own lives.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can choose to live a life with more intention. You can choose to make choices that are meaningful to you and that will help you achieve your goals.

Most importantly, our intention should be on Jesus. He is the reason for everything that we do, and that is a mindset that we must adopt when we set our intentions for God.

When we set our intentions on Jesus, we are choosing to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him. We are choosing to put Him first in everything that we do, and to make Him the ultimate goal of our lives.

This doesn’t mean that we have to be perfect, or that we will never make mistakes. But it does mean that we are committed to following Jesus, no matter what. We are committed to living our lives in a way that is aligned with His values, and to doing everything that we can to bring glory to His name.


1. Write down one thing you can do to have more intention for God.



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