

Matthew 13:10


Stories have been woven into the fabric of human existence since time immemorial. Across the ages, they have been inscribed on various mediums—clay tablets, reeds, stones, papyrus scrolls, animal skins, paper, and even digital formats.

They offer a glimpse into our shared history, providing a window into the dreams, hopes, and struggles of those who came before us.

In the opening chapters of the Bible, we are transported to a world where God’s divine hand meticulously crafts the heavens and the earth, unveiling a majestic and breathtaking narrative. However, the Bible is not merely a work of fiction; it transcends its storytelling nature to serve as the chief guide for our lives.

Stories are important. So important, in fact, that Jesus taught lessons in parables in the Bible.

By presenting his teachings through parables, Jesus employed storytelling as a powerful tool to engage his audience and foster deeper connections. The parables encapsulated timeless truths and moral principles within narratives that resonated with people from all backgrounds. Through relatable characters, vivid imagery, and familiar scenarios, Jesus ensured that his teachings were not only comprehensible but also deeply relatable to his listeners.

When Christ’s disciples asked why he teaches in parables, he said, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. This is why I speak to them in parables.”

The beauty of parables lies in their ability to distill truths into simple yet impactful stories. By using familiar experiences, objects, and situations, we can craft stories that resonate with a wide range of audiences. This approach ensures that our stories resonate deeply and connect with people on a personal level, regardless of where they come from or prior knowledge.


1. Read one of your favorite parables. Write down any feelings you have after reading it.

2. Commit Matthew 13:10 to memory.



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