

Acts 16:23-24 


Competitors fight. They push hard to achieve their goals and make an impact. But what happens when we don’t reach our goals, or when life turns in a way we didn’t expect – how should we react?

How do we keep fighting when it seems like our efforts are pointless? Is there a way to beat the odds? Scripture instructs us to keep fighting with praise.

Paul and Silas had committed their lives to God, but their teaching got them thrown into prison. After being beaten with rods and chained up, they chose to keep fighting. They didn’t give up.

And they didn’t forget their God. Paul and Silas chose to fight with praise in a situation where hope did.  As they sang and prayed, God literally shook the world around them. What if this is our response when adversity hits?  How could God shake the world around us when we fight with praise?

When Jesus Christ chose to sacrifice His life for us on the cross He continued to fight with praise. Every word He spoke while on the cross was intended to point us to heaven. When He died “the earth shook and the rocks were split.” When competitors bring attention to God by fighting with praise, the world stops and notices.


  1. How has a competitor’s response to adversity gotten your attention? Discuss with a friend.
  2. Who have you seen give glory to God through competition?  How did they give God the attention?
  3. Have you responded to the grace of Jesus Christ like the jailer did in the story from Acts 16? If not, consider the decision to begin a relationship with Jesus today.



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