

Mark 16:15 


Sharing the gospel of Christ is essential in bringing more believers into the Kingdom of God. Through our testimony of Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross, others can come to know Him and be saved. As Christians, we are called to be bold and fearless in proclaiming His Word to the world. By doing so, we can witness firsthand how God’s love works in the lives of others.

This responsibility of sharing the gospel is significant, and we should approach it with great intentionality and purpose. As Jesus himself said, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14). We must not hide our light but instead shine it brightly so that others can see the love of Christ.

We must live in a way consistent with the message we proclaim so that others can see the truth of Christ in us.

His message provides life-changing benefits.

  1. The gospel message offers hope, peace, and comfort to those hurting or struggling. It reassures them that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. Sharing the gospel with others can help them find the hope and comfort they need.
  2. Offers salvation: The gospel message is about the salvation of souls. By sharing the gospel, we allow people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and be saved from eternal separation from God.
  3. Provides direction and purpose: The gospel offers a clear direction and purpose for our lives. It helps us understand why we are here, our ultimate purpose, and how we can live a fulfilling life. Sharing the gospel can help others find meaning and purpose in their lives.


1. Commit Mark 16:15 to memory.



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