

1 Timothy 1:14


In today’s world, we witness a pervasive backdrop of conflict, natural calamities, famine, rampant diseases, and widespread suffering on monumental scales. In the face of such unforeseen challenges, how would you respond?

Think about it for a minute. Did you already have extra food and toiletries available during the COVID lockdowns? If a sudden natural disaster struck tomorrow, would you feel confident in your level of emergency preparedness? We often become so secure in our environments that we forget we must prepare for significant events to impact our lives.

Such thinking can be problematic for life in general, but especially for our souls. When we don’t prepare as God wants, we can’t connect with the Divine like we wish to. In addition, we become more distant when developing a relationship with The Lord.

So, what does being prepared for God look like? It isn’t some secret formula that’s hard to figure out. What it really amounts to is living a good Christian life.

The Lord asks us to read His Word, share it with others, and live a life that exemplifies that of a disciple. He asks us to follow Him. He doesn’t force us to but invites us to his life-changing cause. These are the key steps to spiritual preparation for Him.

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Of course, like many things, this is easier said than done. Much of today’s culture thinks being a disciple is outdated and may mock us for it. But they made fun of Jesus, too, and we all know what He did for the course of humanity.


1. Commit Romans 12:2 to memory.

2. Write down one way you can be more prepared in your spiritual life.



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