

James 1:23-24


Competitors should take the time to reflect, dig deep, and ask tough questions. It may be uncomfortable initially, but the insights gained will be invaluable in achieving your goals and becoming a better version of yourself.

Why do we reflect?

Self-reflection allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, both physically and mentally, and to develop a strategy that plays to your strengths and addresses your shortcomings. It also helps you recognize your patterns of behavior, so you can avoid negative self-talk or self-sabotage.

Serena Williams, recognized as the greatest female tennis player of all time, said of self-reflection. “I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.”

In Scripture, there is a lot of talk of self-reflection. In Corinthians 13:5 it says, “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”

This verse tells us to take a good hard look at ourselves and how our faith measures up. It tell us to continually examine ourselves and test our faith to ensure that we are truly living in the light of Christ. We must hold ourselves accountable to God’s standards and be willing to make changes where necessary.

Let us be intentional about setting aside time to examine our hearts and minds, to seek God’s guidance, and to make the necessary changes to align ourselves with His will. Through self-reflection, we can become the men and women that Jesus has called us to be, and live lives that bring glory to His name.


1. Commit Corinthians 13:5 to memory.



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