

Romans 12:2 


Competitors find renewal and rejuvenation in the gym through the highly demanding workout, which provides a necessary release from the pressures of daily life and helps them refresh their minds and bodies.

In addition, the sense of accomplishment, community, and personal growth that come with pushing oneself to the limit can contribute to a renewed sense of purpose and confidence.

Without regular renewal, athletes may experience physical and mental fatigue, which can make them feel like their body is breaking down rather than growing stronger.

The Bible talks of renewal often.

In Ephesians 4:22-24, it says, “You were taught, about your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

But renewal is about more than just changing our outward behavior or beliefs. It is a deep transformation that takes place within us, as we surrender our old ways of living and allow God to work in us.

When we submit ourselves to God’s transformative work, He blesses us with a more fulfilling and purposeful life. He gives us new passions and gifts that we can use to glorify Him and to serve others. We begin to experience the joy of participating in His work in the world, and we find a sense of purpose and meaning that we may have never known before.

But this process of renewal is not always easy. It requires a willingness to be vulnerable and honest about our struggles and shortcomings, to acknowledge that we cannot change ourselves on our own. It requires us to be humble, to recognize our need for God’s guidance and direction.

And yet, when we follow Him, we experience the power of His endless love. We are guided by His Word and His Spirit, and we are changed from the inside out. We become new creations in Christ, and are able to better serve Him and others.


1. Write down one way you can renew yourself for Jesus.

2. Commit Romans 12:2 to memory.



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